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Launching on the shuttle
 Video cameras on the boosters and tank, plus a cockpit camera show what the shuttle and its astronauts experience during the trek to space.

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STS-120: In review
 The STS-120 crew narrates highlights from its mission that delivered the station's Harmony module and moved the P6 power truss.

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Mission film

 The STS-123 astronauts complete their countdown dress rehearsal at Kennedy Space Center.

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STS-123: To the pad
 Endeavour travels to pad 39A in the overnight hours of Feb. 18 in preparation for liftoff on STS-123.

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Progress docking
 The 28th Progress resupply ship launched to the International Space Station successfully docks.


NASA '09 budget
 NASA officials present President Bush's proposed Fiscal Year 2009 budget for the agency.


Introduction to ATV
 Preview the maiden voyage of European's first Automated Transfer Vehicle, named Jules Verne. The craft will deliver cargo to the International Space Station.

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