
Falcon 9

Falcon 9

Falcon Heavy

Falcon Heavy
Live coverage: SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy Space Center
On the mission’s third launch attempt, SpaceX sent a Falcon Heavy rocket aloft at 8:26 p.m. EDT Sunday (0026 UTC Monday) from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The nearly five-hour mission to a near-geosynchronous orbit carried the first satellite for the ViaSat 3 space-based internet network, along with two smaller rideshare payloads.

Falcon Heavy


Falcon Heavy

Falcon Heavy

Falcon Heavy
Preparations underway for SpaceX’s next Falcon Heavy launch
SpaceX’s next Falcon Heavy mission, set for April 18 from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, will launch a powerhouse bus-sized broadband satellite for Viasat into a high-altitude circular geostationary orbit, a demanding flight profile that will require disposal of all three of the rocket’s reusable boosters.