July 20, 1976: Landing on the red planet July 20, 2016 Justin Ray Today marks the 40th anniversary — July 20, 1976 — of the first U.S. robotic landing on another planet by the Viking 1 spacecraft on Mars. LandingMarsOTDViking
Uncategorized OTD…July 4 and STS-121 July 4, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD in 2006…A star-spangled start to Discovery’s STS-121 mission
Uncategorized OTD…May 11 and STS-125 May 10, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD…In 2009, the final Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission launched
News Fleet of Mars probes set to observe comet flyby October 9, 2014 William Harwood An international fleet of five Mars orbiters and two rovers will have ringside seats when a mountain-size comet streaks by on Oct. 19, passing within a scant 87,000 miles of the red planet at a blistering 126,000 mph.