OTD…Jan. 9 and STS-32 January 9, 2016 Justin Ray #OTD in 1990…Columbia launched to retrieve NASA’s Long duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) on the longest Shuttle flight to date. OTDSTS-32
Uncategorized OTD…July 31 and STS-46 July 31, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD in 1992…Atlantis launched to test the Tethered Satellite System
Video On this date…April 16 and Apollo 16 April 16, 2016 Justin Ray Apollo 16 launched to the Descartes Highlands of the moon on this day in 1972 with John Young, Charlie Duke and Ken Mattingly.
Uncategorized OTD…Aug. 10 and STS-105 August 10, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD in 2001…Discovery launched on an International Space Station crew exchange mission