OTD…May 4 and STS-30 May 4, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD…Launch of Atlantis in 1989 to send the Magellan space probe to Venus OTDSTS-30
News July 20, 1976: Landing on the red planet July 20, 2016 Justin Ray Today marks the 40th anniversary — July 20, 1976 — of the first U.S. robotic landing on another planet by the Viking 1 spacecraft on Mars.
Uncategorized OTD…May 11 and STS-125 May 10, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD…In 2009, the final Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission launched
Uncategorized OTD…April 8 launches of STS-56 and 110 April 8, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD…Launch of a 1993 environmental mission on Discovery and Atlantis’ ISS flight in 2002