News Stats: Atlas 5 and Delta 4 histories and backlogs (updated April 20) April 21, 2015 Justin Ray Here’s a look by the numbers of the previous Atlas 5 and Delta 4 flight histories and the manifests for both rockets.
News Stats: Delta 4 history and backlog (updated March 30) March 31, 2015 Justin Ray Here’s a look by the numbers of the previous Delta 4 flight history and the remaining flights of the rocket named Delta.
Uncategorized Stats: Atlas 5 history and backlog March 19, 2015 Justin Ray Here’s a look by the numbers of the previous Atlas 5 flight history and the current backlog and manifest for the rocket.
Uncategorized Stats: Delta 4 history and manifest March 18, 2015 Justin Ray Here’s a look by the numbers of the previous Delta 4 flight history and the remaining flights of the rocket named Delta.
Atlas 5 13 launches on manifest for ULA in 2015 December 19, 2014 Justin Ray Navigation satellites, communications spacecraft, classified missions, NASA science projects and the Orbital Sciences Cygnus cargo ship destined for the International Space Station are on the United Launch Alliance manifest for the new year.