OTD…April 29 and STS-51B April 29, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD…Launch of Challenger in 1985 on a Spacelab research flight OTDSTS-51B
Uncategorized OTD…April 19 and STS-100 April 19, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD…Launch of Endeavour in 2001 to deliver Canadarm2 to the space station
Uncategorized OTD…Jan. 13 and STS-54 January 13, 2016 Justin Ray #OTD in 1993…Endeavour launched a new NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite.
Video OTD…March 3 and Apollo 9 March 3, 2016 Justin Ray Today in 1969, the launch of Apollo 9 and the first manned flight of all lunar hardware in Earth orbit.