OTD…Sept. 30 and STS-68 September 30, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD in 1994…Endeavour launched on the second Space Radar Laboratory mission OTDSTS-68
Video OTD…Oct. 6 and STS-41 October 6, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD in 1990…Discovery launched the Ulysses probe bound for the sun
Uncategorized OTD…Oct. 23 and STS-120 October 23, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD in 2007…Discovery launched Harmony as the gateway to future international science laboratories
Uncategorized OTD…July 31 and STS-46 July 31, 2015 Justin Ray #OTD in 1992…Atlantis launched to test the Tethered Satellite System