Mission: Rosetta
Rocket: Ariane 5
Launch: March 2, 2004 @ 0717:44 GMT
1st Earth flyby: March 4, 2005
Mars flyby: Feb. 25, 2007
2nd Earth flyby: Nov. 13, 2007
Steins flyby: Sept. 5, 2008
3rd Earth flyby: Nov. 13, 2009
Lutetia flyby: July 10, 2010
Begin hibernation: June 8, 2011
End hibernation: Jan. 20, 2014
Arrival at comet: August 2014
Philae landing: Nov. 11, 2014
End of mission: December 2015

Rosetta wakeup FAQ

Rosetta in hibernation

Lutetia flyby story

Earth flyby photos

Steins flyby story

Mars flyby story

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Mission Status Center
By Stephen Clark
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Credit: ESA