September 19, 2004 | |
0341 GMT |
Teets: America must reach for space dominance
On the anniversary of the first man-made object reaching the moon, the Department of Defense's executive agent for space urged America to strive for dominance in space.
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Watery load for Ariane 5
When the Ariane 5 ECA qualification flight lifts off in October, one of the 'passengers' will be 33.5 litres of water. Onboard will be the experimental Sloshsat-FLEVO satellite, designed to help European scientists find out more about the movement of water in microgravity and its effects on satellites.
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September 18, 2004 | |
0412 GMT |
Radical Antarctic telescope 'would outdo Hubble'
A novel Antarctic telescope with 16-m diameter mirrors would far outperform the Hubble Space Telescope, and could be built at a tiny fraction of its cost, says a scientist from the Anglo-Australian Observatory in Sydney, Australia.
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Intelligent telescopes survey the violent skies
British astronomers are celebrating a world first that could revolutionize the future of astronomy. They have just begun a project to operate a global network of the world's biggest robotic telescopes which will be controlled by intelligent software to provide rapid observations of sudden changes in astronomical objects, such as violent Gamma Ray Bursts, or 24-hour surveillance of interesting phenomena.
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September 17, 2004 | |
0310 GMT |
KSC continues hurricane recovery, damage checks
Kennedy Space Center's nearly 14,000 employees returned to work this week, following an 11-day closure of the Center for Hurricane Frances. During the closure, the Damage Assessment and Recovery Team worked on-site to determine the extent of damage from the storm, which brought sustained winds greater than 70 mph and gusts as high as 94 mph.
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NASA facilities weather Hurricane Ivan
Hurricane Ivan made landfall early Thursday morning near the Alabama-Florida border, doing significant damage to coastal communities in its path. NASA's Stennis Space Center in Mississippi and the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans were west of the worst of the storm, and initial reports indicate there is little or no damage to those facilities.
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Genesis team hopeful about solar wind samples
Genesis team scientists and engineers continue their work on the mission's sample return canister in a specially constructed clean room at the U.S. Army Proving Ground in Dugway, Utah. As more of the capsule's contents are revealed, the team's level of enthusiasm for the amount of science obtainable continues to rise.
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Colorful threads and shadows of Saturn
Saturn's faintly banded atmosphere is delicately colored and its threadbare rings cross their own shadows in this marvelous natural color view from Cassini.
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NEWSWIRE Links to news across the internet
Large piece of shuttle found in Newton County -- (The Lufkin Daily News) A large piece of space shuttle Columbia debris found recently is a part of the crew compartment, possibly including the escape hatch, a NASA official said.
September 16, 2004 | |
0230 GMT |
Galactic contortionists captured in amazing image
A stunning image released by the Gemini Observatory captures the graceful interactions of a
galactic ballet, on a stage some 300 million light years away, that might better be described as a contortionist's dance.
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Arnold testing concludes on NASA's X-37 demonstrator
The current phase of testing at the U.S. Air Force's Arnold Engineering Development Center has concluded on the X-37 NASA demonstrator spacecraft for future flights in Earth's orbit and for reentry from space missions.
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OTHER HEADLINES Additional stories today
NASA develops new tool for airline accident prevention -- A "tool" created by NASA scientists to alert airline analysts to potential, unanticipated problems and to enhance safety and reliability in the industry is available for licensing.
September 15, 2004 | |
0333 GMT |
Hurricane Frances delays Delta 2 launch into October
The fury of Hurricane Frances put a Boeing Delta 2 launch on hold and prompted extensive inspections, but pre-flight preparations are resuming for the rocket's mission to haul a replacement Global Positioning System satellite into space.
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Over $100 million needed for KSC hurricane repairs
The U.S. Congress is being asked to budget $126 million to repair hurricane damage at Kennedy Space Center in the wake of Frances' blast from Labor Day weekend.
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Frances, Ivan contribute to hurricane studies
Seen through the eyes of the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer aboard NASA's Terra satellite, the menacing clouds of Hurricanes Frances and Ivan provide a wealth of information that can help improve hurricane forecasts.
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OTHER HEADLINES Additional stories today
NASA centers prepare for Hurricane Ivan -- Weather forecasts indicate some NASA centers and facilities could feel Ivan's terrible wrath. Preparations are under way to secure important space flight hardware. NASA's Stennis Space Center, Miss., and the Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans, are getting ready to ride out the storm.
September 14, 2004 | |
0241 GMT |
Cassini orbiter snaps Saturn's family portrait
A stately Saturn poses for a portrait with five of its moons in this Cassini spacecraft wide angle camera view. The moons visible include Dione, Enceladus, Tethys, Mimas and Rhea.
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Dark matter superstructure revealed by Chandra
A nearby galaxy cluster is facing an intergalactic headwind as it is pulled by an underlying superstructure of dark matter, according to new evidence from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.
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Glimpse of exotic matter in a neutron star
Scientists have obtained their best measurement yet of the size and contents of a neutron star, an ultra-dense object containing the strangest and rarest matter in the universe.
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September 13, 2004 | |
0451 GMT |
Airborne observatory sees stars for first time
For the first time, scientists have peered at the stars using the newly installed telescope aboard NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), the largest airborne observatory in the world.
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Gravity mission weighs in on Earth's changing climate
For the first time, scientists have demonstrated that precise measurements of Earth's changing gravity field can effectively monitor changes in the planet's climate and weather.
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OTHER HEADLINES Additional stories today
X-43A flight rehearsal postponed -- The captive carry flight of NASA's X-43A hypersonic research aircraft scheduled for last week was delayed due to hydraulic leakage on the B-52B launch airplane. This captive carry flight is basically a dress rehearsal for the planned free flight later this fall that is targeted to reach a speed of up to Mach 10, or about 7,000 mph.