STS-135 Flight Plan

Changes and additions:
- March 21: Posting updated version
- May 19: Launch moved to July 8
- June 8: Posting revised version
Spacewalk Personnel: Space station residents Ron Garan and Mike Fossum
Flight Day 1
Fri 11:26:46 AM...00...00...00...00...Launch
Fri 12:03 PM...00...00...37...00...OMS-2 rocket firing
Fri 12:16 PM...00...00...50...00...Post insertion timeline begins
Fri 02:21 PM...00...02...55...00...GIRA install
Fri 03:01 PM...00...03...35...00...PGSC setup
Fri 03:07 PM...00...03...40...22...NC-1 rendezvous rocket firing
Fri 03:26 PM...00...04...00...00...Group B computer powerdown
Fri 05:41 PM...00...06...15...00...SRMS powerup
Fri 05:46 PM...00...06...20...00...ET photo
Fri 05:56 PM...00...06...30...00...SRMS checkout
Fri 05:56 PM...00...06...30...00...Wing leading edge sensors activated
Fri 06:16 PM...00...06...50...00...ET umbilical downlink
Fri 06:46 PM...00...07...20...00...OMS pod survey
Fri 07:56 PM...00...08...30...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 2
Sat 03:56 AM...00...16...30...00...Crew wakeup
Sat 06:08 AM...00...18...42...02...NC-2 rendezvous rocket firing
Sat 07:01 AM...00...19...35...00...OBSS unberth
Sat 07:31 AM...00...20...05...00...Ergometer setup
Sat 08:16 AM...00...20...50...00...OBSS starboard wing survey
Sat 10:11 AM...00...22...45...00...Crew meals begin
Sat 11:11 AM...00...23...45...00...OBSS nose cap survey
Sat 12:01 PM...01...00...35...00...OBSS port wing survey
Sat 12:06 PM...01...00...40...00...Middeck transfer preps
Sat 02:16 PM...01...02...50...00...SRMS berths OBSS
Sat 02:31 PM...01...03...05...00...LDRI downlink
Sat 02:36 PM...01...03...10...00...Spacesuit removal from airlock
Sat 03:21 PM...01...03...55...00...Rendezvous tools checkout
Sat 03:26 PM...01...04...00...00...Centerline camera install
Sat 03:56 PM...01...04...30...00...Orbiter docking system ring extension
Sat 05:25 PM...01...05...58...19...NC-3 rendezvous rocket firing
Sat 07:26 PM...01...08...00...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 3
Sun 03:26 AM...01...16...00...00...Crew wakeup
Sun 05:06 AM...01...17...40...00...Group B computer powerup
Sun 05:21 AM...01...17...55...00...ISS rendezvous ops
Sun 06:59 AM...01...19...32...22...NC-4 rendezvous rocket firing
Sun 08:32 AM...01...21...05...35...Ti
Sun 09:46 AM...01...22...20...00...Begin final approach timeline
Sun 11:09 AM...01...23...43...00...DOCKING
Sun 11:26 AM...02...00...00...00...Leak checks
Sun 11:56 AM...02...00...30...00...Orbiter docking system prepped for ingress
Sun 11:56 AM...02...00...30...00...Group B computer powerdown
Sun 12:26 PM...02...01...00...00...Hatch open
Sun 01:11 PM...02...01...45...00...Welcome aboard!
Sun 01:16 PM...02...01...50...00...Safety briefing
Sun 01:56 PM...02...02...30...00...SRMS OBSS handoff
Sun 04:11 PM...02...04...45...00...ISS evening planning conference
Sun 06:26 PM...02...07...00...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Sun 06:56 PM...02...07...30...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 4
Mon 02:56 AM...02...15...30...00...STS/ISS crew wakeup
Mon 04:36 AM...02...17...10...00...ISS daily planning conference
Mon 05:06 AM...02...17...40...00...SSRMS grapples MPLM
Mon 05:36 AM...02...18...10...00...SSRMS unberths MPLM
Mon 06:56 AM...02...19...30...00...SSRMS installs MPLM
Mon 07:26 AM...02...20...00...00...First stage bolts
Mon 07:41 AM...02...20...15...00...Second stage bolts
Mon 07:41 AM...02...20...15...00...EVA-1: Equipment lock preps
Mon 08:06 AM...02...20...40...00...SSRMS ungrapples MPLM
Mon 08:36 AM...02...21...10...00...MPLM vestibule pressurization
Mon 08:46 AM...02...21...20...00...Crew meals begin
Mon 09:51 AM...02...22...25...00...MPLM vestibule configured for ingress
Mon 11:26 AM...03...00...00...00...MPLM activation (part 1)
Mon 01:16 PM...03...01...50...00...MPLM activation (part 2)
Mon 01:36 PM...03...02...10...00...MPLM ingress
Mon 02:56 PM...03...03...30...00...EVA-1: Procedures review
Mon 03:56 PM...03...04...30...00...ISS evening planning conference
Mon 06:26 PM...03...07...00...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Mon 06:56 PM...03...07...30...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 5
Tue 02:56 AM...03...15...30...00...Crew wakeup
Tue 04:11 AM...03...16...45...00...EVA-1: ISLE EVA prep
Tue 06:16 AM...03...18...50...00...MPLM transfers
Tue 06:16 AM...03...18...50...00...EVA-1: Spacesuit purge
Tue 06:31 AM...03...19...05...00...EVA-1: ISLE spacesuit prebreathe
Tue 08:11 AM...03...20...45...00...EVA-1: Crew lock depressurization
Tue 08:41 AM...03...21...15...00...EVA-1: Spacesuits to battery power
Tue 08:46 AM...03...21...20...00...EVA-1: Egress
Tue 08:56 AM...03...21...30...00...EVA-1: Garan: SSRMS setup
Tue 08:56 AM...03...21...30...00...EVA-1: Fossum: Install COLTS
Tue 09:41 AM...03...22...15...00...EVA-1: Remove PM FRAM ESP2
Tue 10:11 AM...03...22...45...00...EVA-1: Transfer PM FRAM PLB
Tue 10:41 AM...03...23...15...00...EVA-1: Install PM FRAM LMC
Tue 11:11 AM...03...23...45...00...EVA-1: Remove RRM FRAM LMC
Tue 11:31 AM...04...00...05...00...EVA-1: Transfer RRM FRAM EOTP
Tue 12:01 PM...04...00...35...00...EVA-1: Install EOTP
Tue 12:21 PM...04...00...55...00...EVA-1: Garan: ORMATE install ELC-2
Tue 12:21 PM...04...00...55...00...EVA-1: Fossum: SSRMS cleanup
Tue 01:06 PM...04...01...40...00...EVA-1: Fossum: Get aheads
Tue 01:41 PM...04...02...15...00...EVA-1: Garan: Get aheads
Tue 02:26 PM...04...03...00...00...EVA-1: Cleanup and airlock ingress
Tue 03:11 PM...04...03...45...00...EVA-1: Airlock repressurization
Tue 03:26 PM...04...04...00...00...Post-EVA servicing
Tue 05:56 PM...04...06...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Tue 06:26 PM...04...07...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 6
Wed 02:26 AM...04...15...00...00...Crew wakeup
Wed 04:06 AM...04...16...40...00...ISS daily planning conference
Wed 04:26 AM...04...17...00...00...MPLM transfers (if no focused inspection)
Wed 09:11 AM...04...21...45...00...Crew meal
Wed 10:11 AM...04...22...45...00...MPLM transfer resumes
Wed 12:01 PM...05...00...35...00...PAO event
Wed 02:41 PM...05...03...15...00...ISS evening planning conference
Wed 04:56 PM...05...05...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Wed 05:26 PM...05...06...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 7
Thu 01:26 AM...05...14...00...00...Crew wakeup
Thu 03:01 AM...05...15...35...00...ISS daily planning conference
Thu 04:06 AM...05...16...40...00...MPLM transfers resume
Thu 06:56 AM...05...19...30...00...PAO event
Thu 08:21 AM...05...20...55...00...Joint crew meal
Thu 09:21 AM...05...21...55...00...PAO event
Thu 09:41 AM...05...22...15...00...Crew off duty
Thu 01:41 PM...06...02...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Thu 03:56 PM...06...04...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Thu 04:26 PM...06...05...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 8
Fri 12:26 AM...06...13...00...00...Crew wakeup
Fri 02:01 AM...06...14...35...00...ISS daily planning conference
Fri 02:36 AM...06...15...10...00...MPLM transfers resume
Fri 03:41 AM...06...16...15...00...Spacesuit checkout
Fri 05:26 AM...06...18...00...00...Spacesuit resizing
Fri 06:41 AM...06...19...15...00...PAO event
Fri 08:01 AM...06...20...35...00...PAO event
Fri 08:21 AM...06...20...55...00...Joint crew meal
Fri 09:21 AM...06...21...55...00...Crew news conference
Fri 10:06 AM...06...22...40...00...Crew photo
Fri 10:26 AM...06...23...00...00...MPLM transfers resume
Fri 12:41 PM...07...01...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Fri 02:56 PM...07...03...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Fri 03:26 PM...07...04...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 9
Fri 11:26 PM...07...12...00...00...Crew wakeup
Sat 01:21 AM...07...13...55...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sat 01:46 AM...07...14...20...00...MPLM transfers resume
Sat 04:01 AM...07...16...35...00...MPLM vestibule CPA install
Sat 06:21 AM...07...18...55...00...MPLM racks configured
Sat 06:36 AM...07...19...10...00...Crew meals begin
Sat 07:36 AM...07...20...10...00...PAO event
Sat 08:06 AM...07...20...40...00...Middeck transfers/Glacier ops
Sat 09:11 AM...07...21...45...00...Crew off duty
Sat 12:11 PM...08...00...45...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sat 02:26 PM...08...03...00...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Sat 02:56 PM...08...03...30...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 10
Sat 10:56 PM...08...11...30...00...Crew wakeup
Sun 12:46 AM...08...13...20...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sun 01:16 AM...08...13...50...00...MPLM egress
Sun 01:31 AM...08...14...05...00...MPLM deactivation
Sun 01:51 AM...08...14...25...00...MPLM vetibule demate
Sun 02:56 AM...08...15...30...00...Middeck transfers
Sun 03:21 AM...08...15...55...00...MPLM vestibule depress
Sun 04:51 AM...08...17...25...00...Crew meals begin
Sun 06:01 AM...08...18...35...00...SSRMS grapples MPLM
Sun 07:16 AM...08...19...50...00...SSRMS uninstalls MPLM
Sun 08:21 AM...08...20...55...00...MPLM secured in shuttle payload bay
Sun 08:46 AM...08...21...20...00...SSRMS ungrapples MPLM
Sun 09:46 AM...08...22...20...00...Farewell ceremony
Sun 10:01 AM...08...22...35...00...Hatches closed
Sun 10:31 AM...08...23...05...00...Leak checks
Sun 10:36 AM...08...23...10...00...Centerline camera install
Sun 11:16 AM...08...23...50...00...Rendezvous tools checkout
Sun 11:41 AM...09...00...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sun 01:56 PM...09...02...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Sun 02:26 PM...09...03...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 11
Sun 10:26 PM...09...11...00...00...Crew wakeup
Mon 12:21 AM...09...12...55...00...ISS daily planning conference
Mon 12:26 AM...09...13...00...00...Group B computer powerup
Mon 12:46 AM...09...13...20...00...ISS maneuver to undocking attitude
Mon 01:16 AM...09...13...50...00...Undocking timeline begins
Mon 01:59 AM...09...14...33...00...UNDOCKING
Mon 02:06 AM...09...14...40...00...Flyaround begins
Mon 03:21 AM...09...15...55...00...Separation burn No. 1
Mon 03:49 AM...09...16...23...00...Separation burn No. 2
Mon 03:56 AM...09...16...30...00...Group B computer powerdown
Mon 04:46 AM...09...17...20...00...Crew meal
Mon 06:06 AM...09...18...40...00...OBSS starboard wing survey
Mon 07:46 AM...09...20...20...00...OBSS nose cap survey
Mon 08:36 AM...09...21...10...00...OBSS port wing survey
Mon 10:21 AM...09...22...55...00...OBSS berthing
Mon 10:21 AM...09...22...55...00...LDRI downlink
Mon 11:21 AM...09...23...55...00...SRMS powerdown
Mon 11:26 AM...10...00...00...00...ISS daily planning conference
Mon 02:26 PM...10...03...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 12
Mon 10:26 PM...10...11...00...00...STS crew wakeup
Tue 12:35 AM...10...13...08...44...Separation burn No. 3
Tue 12:46 AM...10...13...20...00...Cabin stow begins
Tue 01:21 AM...10...13...55...00...FCS checkout
Tue 03:11 AM...10...15...45...00...Picosat deploy
Tue 03:26 AM...10...16...00...00...RCS hotfire
Tue 03:41 AM...10...16...15...00...PILOT operations
Tue 05:41 AM...10...18...15...00...Deorbit review
Tue 06:11 AM...10...18...45...00...PAO event
Tue 06:26 AM...10...19...00...00...Crew meal
Tue 07:26 AM...10...20...00...00...PAO event
Tue 08:11 AM...10...20...45...00...Cabin stow resumes
Tue 09:26 AM...10...22...00...00...L-1 comm check
Tue 10:16 AM...10...22...50...00...Wing leading edge sensor deactivation
Tue 10:36 AM...10...23...10...00...PGSC stow (part 1)
Tue 10:41 AM...10...23...15...00...Ergometer stow
Tue 11:16 AM...10...23...50...00...Ku-band antenna stow
Tue 02:26 PM...11...03...00...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 13
Tue 10:26 PM...11...11...00...00...Crew wakeup
Wed 01:01 AM...11...13...35...00...Group B computer powerup
Wed 01:16 AM...11...13...50...00...IMU alignment
Wed 01:36 AM...11...14...10...00...PGSC stow (part 2)
Wed 02:01 AM...11...14...35...00...Deorbit timeline begins
Wed 06:02 AM...11...18...36...00...Deorbit ignition (rev. 185)
Wed 07:06 AM...11...19...40...00...Landing at KSC