STS-134 Flight Plan

Changes and additions:
- Sept. 4: Posting initial release
- Oct. 1: Launch delayed a day
- Dec. 30: Posting updated version
- Jan. 13: Launch delayed to April 19
- Feb. 27: Posting updated version
- March 17: Posting updated version
- April 4: Launch delayed 10 days
- April 20: Minor tweaks throughout this version
- April 30: Launch delayed to May 2
- May 1: Launch delayed to May 8
- May 2: Launch delayed to May 10
- May 10: Launch delayed to May 16
- May 11: Fully revised
- May 12: More tweaks
- May 30: Final update
Spacewalk Personnel:
EV-1: Andrew Feustel (red stripes)
EV-2: Mike Fincke (white)
EV-3: Gregory Chamitoff (broken red stripes)
EVA-1: Feustel as EV-1 and Chamitoff as EV-2
EVA-2: Feustel as EV-1 and Fincke as EV-2
EVA-3: Feustel as EV-1 and Fincke as EV-2
EVA-4: Fincke as EV-1 and Chamitoff as EV-2
The flight plan below is the first summary timeline generated by the STS-134 timeliners that reflects a 5/16 launch date. It includes the latest times for rendezvous rocket firings, docking, undocking, separation, deorbit and landing. But readers are advised that fine tuning is expected and the timing of some events may change. Updates will be posted here as they become available.
Flight Day 1
Mon 08:56 AM...00...00...00...00...Launch
Mon 09:32 AM...00...00...36...56...OMS-2 rocket firing
Mon 09:46 AM...00...00...50...00...Post insertion timeline begins
Mon 11:26 AM...00...02...30...00...Laptop computer setup (part 1)
Mon 11:26 AM...00...02...30...00...AMS activation
Mon 11:36 AM...00...02...40...00...SRMS powerup
Mon 11:48 AM...00...02...52...49...NC-1 rendezvous rocket firing
Mon 12:51 PM...00...03...55...00...Group B computer powerdown
Mon 01:06 PM...00...04...10...00...SRMS checkout
Mon 01:26 PM...00...04...30...00...GIRA install
Mon 01:26 PM...00...04...30...00...Wing leading edge sensors activated
Mon 01:46 PM...00...04...50...00...ET photo
Mon 01:51 PM...00...04...55...00...SRMS payload bay survey
Mon 01:56 PM...00...05...00...00...ET video downlink
Mon 02:16 PM...00...05...20...00...ET umbilical downlink
Mon 02:26 PM...00...05...30...00...SEE setup
Mon 03:56 PM...00...07...00...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 2 (Updated 05/16/11)
Mon 11:56 PM...00...15...00...00...Crew wakeup
Tue 01:26 AM...00...16...30...00...Video playback ops
Tue 01:36 AM...00...16...40...00...OMS pod survey
Tue 02:16 AM...00...17...20...00...Laptop computer setup (part 2)
Tue 02:20 AM...00...17...24...15...NC-2 rendezvous rocket firing
Tue 02:26 AM...00...17...30...00...SRMS unberths OBSS
Tue 03:11 AM...00...18...15...00...Ergometer setup
Tue 03:41 AM...00...18...45...00...OBSS starboard wing survey
Tue 03:51 AM...00...18...55...00...Middeck transfer preps
Tue 04:51 AM...00...19...55...00...Crew meals begin
Tue 05:51 AM...00...20...55...00...OBSS nose cap survey
Tue 06:41 AM...00...21...45...00...OBSS port wing survey
Tue 07:41 AM...00...22...45...00...Spacesuit checkout preps
Tue 08:11 AM...00...23...15...00...Spacesuit checkout
Tue 08:56 AM...01...00...00...00...SRMS berths OBSS
Tue 09:56 AM...01...01...00...00...SRMS grapples ELC
Tue 10:11 AM...01...01...15...00...Centerline camera setup
Tue 10:41 AM...01...01...45...00...Orbiter docking system ring extension
Tue 11:16 AM...01...02...20...00...Rendezvous tools checkout
Tue 11:52 AM...01...02...56...53...NC-3 rendezvous rocket firing
Tue 12:26 PM...01...03...30...00...STORRM computer/tools setup
Tue 02:56 PM...01...06...00...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 3 (Uupdated 05/17/11)
Tue 10:56 PM...01...14...00...00...STS crew wakeup
Wed 12:21 AM...01...15...25...00...Group B computer powerup
Wed 12:36 AM...01...15...40...00...Rendezvous timeline begins
Wed 01:46 AM...01...16...50...00...Spacesuit removal from airlock
Wed 02:06 AM...01...17...10...56...NC-4 rendezvous rocket firing
Wed 03:37 AM...01...18...41...45...Ti
Wed 03:41 AM...01...18...45...00...ISS daily planning conference
Wed 03:57 AM...01...19...01...45...MC1
Wed 04:11 AM...01...19...15...43...Range = 33,000 ft
Wed 04:13 AM...01...19...17...47...Sunset
Wed 04:24 AM...01...19...28...45...Range = 20,000 ft
Wed 04:27 AM...01...19...31...39...MC2
Wed 04:36 AM...01...19...40...21...Range = 10,000 ft
Wed 04:44 AM...01...19...48...39...MC3
Wed 04:45 AM...01...19...49...00...Range = 5,000 ft
Wed 04:48 AM...01...19...52...20...Sunrise
Wed 04:50 AM...01...19...54...29...Range = 3,000 ft
Wed 04:54 AM...01...19...58...39...MC4
Wed 04:58 AM...01...20...02...39...Range = 1,500 ft
Wed 05:01 AM...01...20...05...00...RPM start window open
Wed 05:03 AM...01...20...07...39...Range = 1,000 ft
Wed 05:06 AM...01...20...10...00...Begin approach timeline
Wed 05:06 AM...01...20...10...39...KU to LO (800 ft)
Wed 05:07 AM...01...20...11...39...Shuttle directly below ISS (725 ft)
Wed 05:12 AM...01...20...16...51...Range = 600 ft
Wed 05:14 AM...01...20...18...45...Start pitch maneuver
Wed 05:16 AM...01...20...20...47...Noon
Wed 05:22 AM...01...20...26...45...End pitch maneuver
Wed 05:24 AM...01...20...28...34...RPM full photo window close
Wed 05:25 AM...01...20...29...21...Initiate TORVA (575 ft)
Wed 05:32 AM...01...20...36...58...RPM start window close
Wed 05:36 AM...01...20...40...51...Shuttle directly in front of ISS (310 ft)
Wed 05:37 AM...01...20...41...41...Range = 300 ft
Wed 05:40 AM...01...20...44...23...Start - Sun In camera D/window 1
Wed 05:41 AM...01...20...45...51...Range = 250 ft
Wed 05:45 AM...01...20...49...04...End - Sun In camera D/window 1
Wed 05:45 AM...01...20...49...14...Sunset
Wed 05:46 AM...01...20...50...01...Range = 200 ft
Wed 05:48 AM...01...20...52...31...Range = 170 ft
Wed 05:50 AM...01...20...54...11...Range = 150 ft
Wed 05:54 AM...01...20...58...21...Range = 100 ft
Wed 05:57 AM...01...21...01...21...Range = 75 ft
Wed 06:01 AM...01...21...05...31...Range = 50 ft
Wed 06:04 AM...01...21...08...51...Range (30 ft) Start stationkeeping
Wed 06:09 AM...01...21...13...51...End stationkeeping; push to dock
Wed 06:14 AM...01...21...18...11...Range = 10 ft
Wed 06:16 AM...01...21...20...00...DOCKING
Wed 06:19 AM...01...21...23...47...Sunrise
Wed 06:36 AM...01...21...40...00...Leak checks
Wed 06:36 AM...01...21...40...00...Orbiter docking system prepped for ingress
Wed 07:06 AM...01...22...10...00...Group B computer powerdown
Wed 07:36 AM...01...22...40...00...Hatch open
Wed 08:36 AM...01...23...40...00...Welcome aboard!
Wed 08:46 AM...01...23...50...00...Safety briefing
Wed 09:16 AM...02...00...20...00...SRMS unberth ELC-3
Wed 09:56 AM...02...01...00...00...SRMS hands ELC-3 to SSRMS
Wed 10:21 AM...02...01...25...00...SRMS ungrapples ELC-3
Wed 10:31 AM...02...01...35...00...SSRMS maneuvers to install ELC-3
Wed 11:41 AM...02...02...45...00...ELC-3 install (stage one)
Wed 11:51 AM...02...02...55...00...Video playback ops
Wed 11:56 AM...02...03...00...00...ELC-3 install (stage two)
Wed 12:16 PM...02...03...20...00...SSRMS ungrapples ELC-3
Wed 12:21 PM...02...03...25...00...ELC-3 power cable mate
Wed 02:56 PM...02...06...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Wed 03:41 PM...02...06...45...00...ISS evening planning conference
Wed 05:31 PM...02...08...35...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 4 (Updated 05/19/11)
Wed 10:56 PM...02...14...00...00...STS crew wakeup
Thu 01:56 AM...02...17...00...00...SRMS grapples AMS
Thu 02:01 AM...02...17...05...00...ISS crew wakeup
Thu 02:21 AM...02...17...25...00...SRMS unberths AMS
Thu 03:01 AM...02...18...05...00...SSRMS grapples AMS
Thu 03:26 AM...02...18...30...00...SRMS ungrapples AMS
Thu 03:31 AM...02...18...35...00...ISS daily planning conference
Thu 03:41 AM...02...18...45...00...SSRMS moves AMS to attach point
Thu 04:31 AM...02...19...35...00...AMS PGSC deactivation
Thu 04:41 AM...02...19...45...00...SSRMS installs AMS (stage one)
Thu 04:56 AM...02...20...00...00...SSRMS installs AMS (stage two)
Thu 05:16 AM...02...20...20...00...EVA-1: Equipment lock preps
Thu 05:26 AM...02...20...30...00...AMS umbilical mate
Thu 05:41 AM...02...20...45...00...SSRMS releases AMS
Thu 06:11 AM...02...21...15...00...PAO event
Thu 06:31 AM...02...21...35...00...Crew meals begin
Thu 08:01 AM...02...23...05...00...Quick-disconnect familiarization
Thu 08:31 AM...02...23...35...00...EVA-1: Tools configured
Thu 10:01 AM...03...01...05...00...PAO event
Thu 10:21 AM...03...01...25...00...EVA-1: Procedures review
Thu 12:51 PM...03...03...55...00...EVA-1: Mask prebreathe/tool config
Thu 01:36 PM...03...04...40...00...EVA-1: Airlock depress to 10.2 psi
Thu 01:56 PM...03...05...00...00...Garan sleep begins
Thu 02:01 PM...03...05...05...00...Soyuz departure preps
Thu 02:26 PM...03...05...30...00...STS crew sleep begins
Thu 03:01 PM...03...06...05...00...ISS daily planning conference
Thu 05:31 PM...03...08...35...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 5 (Updated 05/20/11)
Thu 10:26 PM...03...13...30...00...STS crew/Garan wakeup
Thu 11:01 PM...03...14...05...00...EVA-1: Airlock repress/hygiene break
Thu 11:51 PM...03...14...55...00...EVA-1: Airlock depress to 10.2 psi
Fri 12:11 AM...03...15...15...00...EVA-1: Campout EVA prep
Fri 01:41 AM...03...16...45...00...EVA-1: Spacesuit purge
Fri 01:56 AM...03...17...00...00...EVA-1: Spacesuit prebreathe
Fri 02:01 AM...03...17...05...00...ISS crew wakeup
Fri 02:46 AM...03...17...50...00...EVA-1: Crew lock depressurization
Fri 03:16 AM...03...18...20...00...EVA-1: Spacesuits to battery power
Fri 03:21 AM...03...18...25...00...EVA-1: Egress and setup
Fri 03:31 AM...03...18...35...00...ISS daily planning conference
Fri 03:41 AM...03...18...45...00...EVA-1: MISSE 7 retrieve
Fri 04:41 AM...03...19...45...00...EVA-1/EV-2: P3 CETA light install
Fri 04:41 AM...03...19...45...00...EVA-1/EV-1: MISSE 8 install
Fri 05:06 AM...03...20...10...00...EVA-1/EV-2: Starboard SARJ cover 7 install
Fri 05:21 AM...03...20...25...00...EVA-1/EV-1: P3-P4 NH3 jumper install
Fri 05:31 AM...03...20...35...00...EVA-1/EV-2: P3-P4 NH3 jumper install
Fri 05:56 AM...03...21...00...00...EVA-1/EV-1: P5-P6 NH3 jumper install
Fri 05:56 AM...03...21...00...00...EVA-1/EV-2: P4 NH3 jumper stow
Fri 06:11 AM...03...21...15...00...EVA-1/EV-1: P6 EAS jumper install
Fri 06:31 AM...03...21...35...00...EVA-1: Lab EWC antenna
Fri 07:31 AM...03...22...35...00...EVA-1/EV-2: P3-P4 mate
Fri 07:51 AM...03...22...55...00...EVA-1: P16A/J16A mate
Fri 08:36 AM...03...23...40...00...EVA-1/EV-1: P1-P2 mate
Fri 08:36 AM...03...23...40...00...EVA-1/EV-2: Cleanup
Fri 08:51 AM...03...23...55...00...EVA-1/EV-1: QD tool bag reconfig
Fri 09:16 AM...04...00...20...00...EVA-1: Cleanup and airlock ingress
Fri 09:46 AM...04...00...50...00...EVA-1: Airlock repressurization
Fri 10:01 AM...04...01...05...00...Post-EVA servicing
Fri 12:56 PM...04...04...00...00...Garan sleep begins
Fri 01:26 PM...04...04...30...00...STS crew sleep begins
Fri 03:16 PM...04...06...20...00...ISS daily planning conference
Fri 05:31 PM...04...08...35...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 6 (Updated 05/20/11)
Fri 09:26 PM...04...12...30...00...STS crew/Garan wakeup
Sat 12:31 AM...04...15...35...00...SSRMS grapples OBSS
Sat 12:56 AM...04...16...00...00...OBSS unberth
Sat 01:11 AM...04...16...15...00...Quick-disconnect mod
Sat 01:21 AM...04...16...25...00...OBSS handoff to SRMS
Sat 01:36 AM...04...16...40...00...SSRMS ungrapple
Sat 02:01 AM...04...17...05...00...ISS crew wakeup
Sat 02:11 AM...04...17...15...00...SRMS maneuver review
Sat 02:41 AM...04...17...45...00...Focused inspection begins
Sat 03:01 AM...04...18...05...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sat 03:41 AM...04...18...45...00...REBA checkout
Sat 03:56 AM...04...19...00...00...EVA-2: Equipment lock preps
Sat 04:26 AM...04...19...30...00...Crew meals begin
Sat 04:41 AM...04...19...45...00...Focused inspection ends
Sat 05:41 AM...04...20...45...00...LDRI downlink
Sat 07:11 AM...04...22...15...00...PAO event
Sat 07:31 AM...04...22...35...00...EVA-2: Tools configured
Sat 08:36 AM...04...23...40...00...LDRI downlink
Sat 09:21 AM...05...00...25...00...EVA-2: Procedures review
Sat 11:51 AM...05...02...55...00...EVA-2: Mask pre-breathe
Sat 12:36 PM...05...03...40...00...EVA-2: Airlock depress to 10.2 psi
Sat 12:56 PM...05...04...00...00...Garan sleep begins
Sat 01:26 PM...05...04...30...00...STS crew sleep begins
Sat 03:16 PM...05...06...20...00...ISS evening planning conference
Sat 05:31 PM...05...08...35...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 7 (Updated 05/21/11)
Sat 09:26 PM...05...12...30...00...STS crew/Garan wakeup
Sat 10:01 PM...05...13...05...00...EVA-2: Airlock repress/hygiene break
Sat 10:51 PM...05...13...55...00...EVA-2: Airlock depress to 10.2 psi
Sat 11:11 PM...05...14...15...00...EVA-2: EVA prep
Sun 12:41 AM...05...15...45...00...EVA-2: Spacesuit purge
Sun 12:56 AM...05...16...00...00...EVA-2: Spacesuit prebreathe
Sun 01:46 AM...05...16...50...00...EVA-2: Crew lock depressurization
Sun 02:16 AM...05...17...20...00...EVA-2: Spacesuits to battery power
Sun 02:21 AM...05...17...25...00...EVA-2: Egress and setup
Sun 02:51 AM...05...17...55...00...EVA-2: P3-P4 re-route
Sun 03:06 AM...05...18...10...00...EVA-2/EV-1: Fill P5-P6 EAS jumper
Sun 03:06 AM...05...18...10...00...EVA-2/EV-2: ATA to fill
Sun 03:31 AM...05...18...35...00...EVA-2/EV-2: Port SARJ remove covers
Sun 04:06 AM...05...19...10...00...EVA-2/EV-1: Port SARJ remove covers
Sun 04:26 AM...05...19...30...00...EVA-2/EV-2: Port SARJ 1st lube
Sun 04:36 AM...05...19...40...00...EVA-2/EV-1: EAS setup/vent
Sun 05:01 AM...05...20...05...00...ISS crew wakeup
Sun 05:06 AM...05...20...10...00...EVA-2/EV-1: NH3 vent tool cleanup
Sun 05:11 AM...05...20...15...00...EVA-2/EV-2: P3-P4 NH3 jumper stow
Sun 05:32 AM...05...20...36...00...EVA-2/EV-1: NH3 jumper stow
Sun 05:46 AM...05...20...50...00...EVA-2/EV-2: S1 radiator grapple bar stow
Sun 05:46 AM...05...20...50...00...EVA-2/EV-1: ATA vent
Sun 06:26 AM...05...21...30...00...EVA-2/EV-1: SPDM LEE lube
Sun 06:56 AM...05...22...00...00...EVA-2/EV-2: Port SARJ 2nd lube
Sun 07:01 AM...05...22...05...00...EVA-2/EV-1: Port SARJ 2nd lube
Sun 07:31 AM...05...22...35...00...EVA-2: Port SARJ cover install
Sun 08:21 AM...05...23...25...00...EVA-2: Cleanup and ingress
Sun 08:46 AM...05...23...50...00...EVA-2: Airlock repressurization
Sun 09:01 AM...06...00...05...00...Spacesuit servicing
Sun 12:26 PM...06...03...30...00...Garan sleep begins
Sun 12:56 PM...06...04...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Sun 05:46 PM...06...08...50...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sun 08:31 PM...06...11...35...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 8 (Updated 05/23/11; includes Soyuz TMA-20 landing timeline)
Sun 08:56 PM..06...12...00...00...STS crew/Garan wakeup
Sun 10:46 PM..06...13...50...00...PAO event
Sun 11:26 PM..06...14...30...00...Crew off duty
Mon 03:41 AM...06...18...45...00...Crew meals begin
Mon 04:41 AM...06...19...45...00...Crew off duty
Mon 06:00 AM...06...21...04...00...ISS crew wakeup
Mon 09:26 AM...07...00...30...00...Soyuz TMA-20 departure preps
Mon 09:11 AM...07...00...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Mon 09:31 AM...07...00...35...00...PAO event
Mon 12:26 PM...07...03...30...00...STS crew/Garan sleep begins
Mon 04:40 PM..159...01...30...35...US to Russian attitue control system handover
Mon 04:52 PM..159...01...42...35...ISS maneuver to undocking attitude
Mon 05:24 PM..159...02...15...11...Sunrise
Mon 05:29 PM..159...02...20...07...Daily orbit 13 Russian ground station AOS
Mon 05:31 PM..159...02...21...35...ISS to free drift
Mon 05:32 PM..159...02...22...35...Nominal separation command
Mon 05:35 PM..159...02...25...35...Physical separation/hooks open
Mon 05:36 PM..159...02...27...15...ISS to LVLH snap-and-hold
Mon 05:38 PM..159...02...28...35...Soyuz manual separation burn #1
Mon 05:41 PM..159...02...31...35...Arrival at stationkeeping (590-650 feet)
Mon 05:41 PM..159...02...31...35...Habitation module ingress
Mon 05:43 PM..159...02...33...55...ISS return to undocking attitude
Mon 05:44 PM..159...02...35...08...Daily orbit 13 Russian ground station LOS
Mon 05:50 PM..159...02...40...35...Begin ISS photography
Mon 05:52 PM..159...02...43...03...Noon
Mon 05:55 PM..159...02...45...35...ISS maneuver to photography attitude
Mon 06:06 PM..159...02...56...35...ISS in photo attitude
Mon 06:15 PM..159...03...05...35...Soyuz manual separation burn #2
Mon 06:20 PM..159...03...10...35...Habitation module egress; start leak checks
Mon 06:20 PM..159...03...10...55...Sunset -- photography complete
Mon 06:21 PM..159...03...11...35...ISS maneuver to duty attitude
Mon 06:56 PM..159...03...46...36...Sunrise
Mon 07:00 PM..159...03...50...35...Russian to US attitude control handover
Mon 07:00 PM..159...03...50...35...Hatch and suit leak checks complete
Mon 07:02 PM..159...03...52...43...Daily orbit 14 RGS AOS
Mon 07:19 PM..159...04...10...08...Daily orbit 14 RGS LOS
Mon 07:36 PM..159...04...26...35...Sunrise at landing Site
Flight Day 9 (Updated 05/23/11)
Mon 08:26 PM...07...11...30...00...STS crew/Garan wakeup (begins FD-9)
Mon 08:30 PM..159...05...20...48...Daily orbit 15 RGS AOS
Mon 08:53 PM..159...05...44...33...Daily orbit 15 RGS LOS
Mon 09:36 PM..159...06...26...49...Soyuz deorbit burn start (257.7 mph)
Mon 09:40 PM..159...06...31...14...Deorbit burn complete
Mon 10:03 PM..159...06...54...11...Atmospheric entry (62 miles altitude)
Mon 10:11 PM..159...07...02...24...Command to open parachute (6.6 miles altitude)
Mon 10:26 PM..159...07...17...24...Landing
Mon 11:31 PM...07...14...35...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Mon 11:41 PM...07...14...45...00...OBSS undock
Mon 11:46 PM...07...14...50...00...EVA-3: Equipment lock preps
Tue 12:31 AM...07...15...35...00...EVA-3: Tools configured
Tue 12:36 AM...07...15...40...00...PAO event
Tue 01:36 AM...07...16...40...00...Stowage ops
Tue 02:46 AM...07...17...50...00...Crew meals begin
Tue 03:16 AM...07...18...20...00...Quick-disconnect mate
Tue 04:31 AM...07...19...35...00...OGS installation
Tue 06:41 AM...07...21...45...00...PAO event
Tue 06:41 AM...07...21...45...00...STS crew off duty
Tue 07:01 AM...07...22...05...00...Crew off duty
Tue 08:26 AM...07...23...30...00...EVA-3: Procedures review
Tue 11:26 AM...08...02...30...00...Garan sleep begins
Tue 11:56 AM...08...03...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 10 (Updated 05/24/11)
Tue 07:56 PM...08...11...00...00...STS/ISS crew wakeup
Tue 09:11 PM...08...12...15...00...EVA-3: ISLE EVA prep (new in-suit exercise protocol)
Tue 09:26 PM...08...12...30...00...ISS daily planning conference
Tue 11:21 PM...08...14...25...00...EVA-3: Spacesuit purge
Tue 11:36 PM...08...14...40...00...EVA-3: ISLE spacesuit pre-breathe
Wed 01:16 AM...08...16...20...00...EVA-3: Crew lock depressurization
Wed 01:46 AM...08...16...50...00...EVA-3: Spacesuits to battery power
Wed 01:51 AM...08...16...55...00...EVA-3: Egress and setup
Wed 02:31 AM...08...17...35...00...EVA-3: PDGF setup
Wed 03:01 AM...08...18...05...00...EVA-3: Retrieve IEVE PAMA/PDGF
Wed 03:21 AM...08...18...25...00...EVA-3: Install PDGF on Zarya
Wed 03:36 AM...08...18...40...00...EVA-3: VSC install
Wed 04:06 AM...08...19...10...00...EVA-3: FGB Y jumper channel 1/4
Wed 04:51 AM...08...19...55...00...EVA-3: EWC cable install (from EVA-1)
Wed 05:51 AM...08...20...55...00...EVA-3: Zarya Y jumper channel 2/3
Wed 06:56 AM...08...22...00...00...EVA-3: EV-1: PDGF/FGB thruster photos
Wed 06:56 AM...08...22...00...00...EVA-3: EV-2: FGB cleanup
Wed 07:11 AM...08...22...15...00...EVA-3: EV-1: STP-H3 IR imagery
Wed 07:11 AM...08...22...15...00...EVA-3: EV-2: HPGT FRGF MLI install
Wed 07:51 AM...08...22...55...00...EVA-3: Cleanup and ingress
Wed 08:21 AM...08...23...25...00...EVA-3: Airlock repressurization
Wed 08:31 AM...08...23...35...00...Spacesuit servicing
Wed 09:11 AM...09...00...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Wed 11:26 AM...09...02...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Wed 11:56 AM...09...03...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 11 (Updated 05/25/11)
Wed 07:56 PM...09...11...00...00...STS/ISS crew wakeup
Wed 09:26 PM...09...12...30...00...ISS daily planning conference
Wed 10:56 PM...09...14...00...00...Starboard wing survey
Wed 11:01 PM...09...14...05...00...PAO event
Thu 01:41 AM...09...16...45...00...Nose cap survey
Thu 02:41 AM...09...17...45...00...Spacesuit swap
Thu 02:41 AM...09...17...45...00...Port wing survey
Thu 03:41 AM...09...18...45...00...EVA-4: Equipment lock preps
Thu 04:26 AM...09...19...30...00...Crew meals begin
Thu 05:41 AM...09...20...45...00...Crew news conference
Thu 06:21 AM...09...21...25...00...EVA-4: Tools configured
Thu 07:06 AM...09...22...10...00...LDRI downlink
Thu 07:51 AM...09...22...55...00...EVA-4: Procedures review
Thu 09:11 AM...10...00...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Thu 10:21 AM...10...01...25...00...EVA-4: Mask/pre-breathe
Thu 11:11 AM...10...02...15...00...EVA-4: Airlock depress to 10.2 psi
Thu 11:26 AM...10...02...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Thu 11:56 AM...10...03...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 12 (Updated 05/26/11)
Thu 07:56 PM...10...11...00...00...Crew wakeup
Thu 08:56 PM...10...12...00...00...EVA-3: Hygiene break
Thu 09:21 PM...10...12...25...00...EVA-3: Crew lock depress to 10.2 psi
Thu 09:41 PM...10...12...45...00...EVA-3: Campout EVA prep
Thu 09:46 PM...10...12...50...00...ISS daily planning conference
Thu 11:11 PM...10...14...15...00...EVA-3: Spacesuit purge
Thu 11:26 PM...10...14...30...00...EVA-3: Spacesuit pre-breathe
Fri 12:16 AM...10...15...20...00...EVA-3: Crew lock depressurization
Fri 12:41 AM...10...15...45...00...SSRMS grapples OBSS
Fri 12:46 AM...10...15...50...00...EVA-4: Spacesuits to battery power
Fri 12:51 AM...10...15...55...00...EVA-4: Egress and setup
Fri 12:51 AM...10...15...55...00...SRMS ungrapples OBSS
Fri 01:16 AM...10...16...20...00...SSRMS moves OBSS to stow
Fri 01:21 AM...10...16...25...00...EVA-4: OBSS stow
Fri 02:16 AM...10...17...20...00...EVA-4: P6 PDGF retrieve
Fri 03:41 AM...10...18...45...00...EVA-4/EV-2: OBSS EFGF/PDFG swap
Fri 03:41 AM...10...18...45...00...EVA-4/EV-1: OBSS EFGF/PDFG swap
Fri 05:01 AM...10...20...05...00...EVA-4/EV-1: Stow ETGF in TSA
Fri 05:21 AM...10...20...25...00...EVA-4/EV-2: OTP inspection
Fri 05:36 AM...10...20...40...00...EVA-4: ELC-3 SPDM arm release
Fri 06:46 AM...10...21...50...00...EVA-4: Cleanup and ingress
Fri 07:16 AM...10...22...20...00...EVA-4: Airlock repressurization
Fri 07:31 AM...10...22...35...00...Spacesuit servicing
Fri 07:31 AM...10...22...35...00...SRMS powerdown
Fri 09:11 AM...11...00...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Fri 11:26 AM...11...02...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Fri 11:56 AM...11...03...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 13 (Updated 05/28/11)
Fri 07:56 PM...11...11...00...00...STS/ISS crew wakeup
Fri 10:16 PM...11...13...20...00...PAO event
Fri 11:06 PM...11...14...10...00...Post EVA spacesuit reconfig
Fri 10:56 PM...11...14...00...00...CDRA bed replacement
Sat 02:56 AM...11...18...00...00...Crew meals begin
Sat 04:01 AM...11...19...05...00...Frame install
Sat 04:21 AM...11...19...25...00...Middeck transfers
Sat 08:46 AM...11...23...50...00...PAO event
Sat 09:11 AM...12...00...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sat 11:26 AM...12...02...30...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Sat 11:56 AM...12...03...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 14 (Updated 05/28/11)
Sat 07:56 PM...12...11...00...00...STS/ISS crew wakeup
Sat 09:26 PM...12...12...30...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sat 09:56 PM...12...13...00...00...PAO event
Sat 10:51 PM...12...13...55...00...EVA tool stow
Sat 11:41 PM...12...14...45...00...Stowage ops
Sun 12:06 AM...12...15...10...00...Middeck transfers
Sun 02:11 AM...12...17...15...00...Joint crew meal
Sun 03:11 AM...12...18...15...00...Joint crew photo
Sun 03:31 AM...12...18...35...00...Stowage ops
Sun 03:31 AM...12...18...35...00...Middeck transfers
Sun 04:26 AM...12...19...30...00...DCB ULF-6 pack
Sun 06:56 AM...12...22...00...00...Farewell ceremony
Sun 07:11 AM...12...22...15...00...Egress/hatch closure
Sun 07:16 AM...12...22...20...00...Rendezvous tools checkout
Sun 07:51 AM...12...22...55...00...Hatch leak check
Sun 08:21 AM...12...23...25...00...Centerline camera install
Sun 08:46 AM...12...23...50...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sun 10:56 AM...13...02...00...00...ISS crew sleep begins
Sun 11:26 AM...13...02...30...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 15 (Updated 05/29/11)
Sun 07:26 PM...13...10...30...00...STS/ISS crew wakeup
Sun 08:56 PM...13...12...00...00...ISS daily planning conference
Sun 10:11 PM...13...13...15...00...Group B computer powerup
Sun 10:46 PM...13...13...50...00...ISS maneuver to undocking attitude
Sun 11:11 PM...13...14...15...00...Undocking timeline begins
Sun 11:37 PM...13...14...41...02...Sunset
Sun 11:55 PM...13...14...59...00...UNDOCKING
Sun 11:55 PM...13...14...59...05...DAP:B/LVLH/ALT, Maintain Corridor
Sun 11:56 PM...13...15...00...00...Initial Separation
Sun 11:56 PM...13...15...00...40...ISS holds attitude
Mon 12:00 AM...13...15...04...00...50 ft: reselect -X jets
Mon 12:02 AM...13...15...06...00...75 ft: LOWZ
Mon 12:13 AM...13...15...17...09...Sunrise
Mon 12:22 AM...13...15...26...00...Start flyaround at 400 ft
Mon 12:31 AM...13...15...35...30...Range = 600 feet
Mon 12:33 AM...13...15...37...00...ISS maneuvers to TEA attitude
Mon 12:33 AM...13...15...37...30...Shuttle directly above ISS
Mon 12:40 AM...13...15...44...48...Noon
Mon 12:45 AM...13...15...49...00...Shuttle directly behind ISS
Mon 12:56 AM...13...16...00...30...Shuttle directly below ISS
Mon 01:08 AM...13...16...12...00...Shuttle directly in front of ISS
Mon 01:08 AM...13...16...12...00...Separation burn No. 1
Mon 01:08 AM...13...16...12...26...Sunset
Mon 01:16 AM...13...16...20...00...STORRM timeline begins
Mon 01:36 AM...13...16...40...00...Separation burn No. 2
Mon 01:44 AM...13...16...48...43...Sunrise
Mon 02:12 AM...13...17...16...17...Noon
Mon 02:24 AM...13...17...28...30...Range greater than 19,000 feet
Mon 02:36 AM...13...17...40...39...NH2 Burn
Mon 02:39 AM...13...17...43...51...Sunset
Mon 02:50 AM...13...17...54...40...Iss maneuvers to DTO attitude
Mon 02:58 AM...13...18...02...40...MC5 Burn
Mon 03:15 AM...13...18...19...58...Sunrise
Mon 03:23 AM...13...18...27...40...NSR Burn
Mon 03:28 AM...13...18...32...40...Range less than 20,000 feet
Mon 03:37 AM...13...18...41...40...MC6 Burn
Mon 03:57 AM...13...19...01...40...TPI Burn
Mon 04:11 AM...13...19...15...14...Sunset
Mon 04:23 AM...13...19...27...40...TDA
Mon 04:38 AM...13...19...42...40...Separation burn No. 3
Mon 04:47 AM...13...19...51...20...Sunrise
Mon 04:56 AM...13...20...00...00...Crew meals begin
Mon 05:05 AM...13...20...09...40...Range greater than 20,000 feet
Mon 05:56 AM...13...21...00...00...EVA unpack and stow
Mon 07:16 AM...13...22...20...00...Maui DTO
Mon 07:26 AM...13...22...30...00...Post EVA entry preps
Mon 07:56 AM...13...23...00...00...Undocking video playback
Mon 08:01 AM...13...23...05...00...Group B computer powerdown
Mon 08:11 AM...13...23...15...00...ISS daily planning conference
Mon 10:56 AM...14...02...00...00...STS crew sleep begins
Flight Day 16 through end of mission (Updated 05/30/11)
Mon 06:56 PM...14...10...00...00...STS crew wakeup
Mon 09:06 PM...14...12...10...00...PAO event
Mon 10:01 PM...14...13...05...00...FCS checkout
Mon 11:11 PM...14...14...15...00...RCS hotfire
Mon 11:26 PM...14...14...30...00...PILOT operations
Tue 12:26 AM...14...15...30...00...Endeavour tribute downlink
Tue 12:56 AM...14...16...00...00...Crew meal
Tue 02:16 AM...14...17...20...00...Deorbit review
Tue 02:46 AM...14...17...50...00...Cabin stow begins
Tue 03:06 AM...14...18...10...00...RAMBO-2
Tue 06:26 AM...14...21...30...00...L-1 comm check
Tue 05:46 AM...14...20...50...00...Ergometer stow
Tue 06:16 AM...14...21...20...00...Wing leading edge sensor deactivation
Tue 06:36 AM...14...21...40...00...PGSC stow (part 1)
Tue 06:46 AM...14...21...50...00...Ku-band antenna stow
Tue 09:56 AM...15...01...00...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 17
Tue 05:56 PM...15...09...00...00...Crew wakeup
Tue 08:26 PM...15...11...30...00...Group B computer powerup
Tue 08:41 PM...15...11...45...00...IMU alignment
Tue 09:06 PM...15...12...10...00...PGSC stow (part 2)
Tue 09:26 PM...15...12...30...00...Deorbit timeline begins
Wed 01:29 AM...15...16...33...15...Deorbit ignition (rev. 248)
Wed 02:34 AM...15...17...38...55...Landing at KSC (PLANNED END OF MISSION)
Wed 03:06 AM...15...18...10...25...Deorbit ignition (rev. 249)
Wed 04:10 AM...15...19...14...39...Landing at KSC
Wed 03:11 AM...15...18...15...00...Deorbit backout
Wed 05:11 AM...15...20...15...00...Group B computer powerdown
Wed 08:56 AM...16...00...00...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 18
Wed 04:56 PM...16...08...00...00...Crew wakeup
Wed 07:16 PM...16...10...20...00...Group B computer powerup
Wed 07:31 PM...16...10...35...00...IMU alignment
Wed 08:16 PM...16...11...20...00...Deorbit timeline begins
Thu 12:20 AM...16...15...24...00...Deorbit ignition
Thu 01:23 AM...16...16...27...00...Landing at KSC (EOM+1)
Thu 03:26 AM...16...18...30...00...Deorbit backout
Thu 05:26 AM...16...20...30...00...Group B computer powerdown
Thu 08:56 AM...17...00...00...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 19
Thu 04:56 PM...17...08...00...00...Crew wakeup
Thu 07:36 PM...17...10...40...00...Group B computer powerup
Thu 07:51 PM...17...10...55...00...IMU alignment
Thu 08:36 PM...17...11...40...00...Deorbit timeline begins
Fri 12:43 AM...17...15...47...00...Deorbit ignition
Fri 01:46 AM...17...16...50...00...Landing at KSC (EOM+2)
Fri 02:21 AM...17...17...25...00...Deorbit backout
Fri 04:21 AM...17...19...25...00...Group B computer powerdown
Fri 08:26 AM...17...23...30...00...Crew sleep begins
Flight Day 20
Fri 04:26 PM...18...07...30...00...Crew wakeup
Fri 06:26 PM...18...09...30...00...Group B computer powerup
Fri 06:41 PM...18...09...45...00...IMU alignment
Fri 07:26 PM...18...10...30...00...Deorbit timeline begins
Fri 11:30 PM...18...14...34...00...Deorbit ignition
Sat 12:35 AM...18...15...39...00...Landing at KSC (EOM+3)