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Space shuttle update
NASA's William Readdy, Space Operations associate administrator and Bill Parsons, space shuttle program manager, provide a status report on returning the shuttles to flight in this teleconference with reporters held on the one-year anniversary since the CAIB report was issued. (37min 35sec file)
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Station update
To mark one year since the publication of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board final report, William Gerstenmaier, International Space Station program
manager, updates the news media on the status of the project. (42min 41sec file)
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Titan 4 rollout
The Titan 4 rocket emerges from the Solid Motor Assembly and Readiness Facility at Cape Canaveral at about 5:45 a.m. August 25 for rollout to the Complex 40 pad. (3min 58sec file)
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On the launch pad
Riding on its mobile launching platform, the Titan 4 rocket arrives at the pad just before sunrise. (5min 22sec file)
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Sunrise over Titan 4
As dawn breaks over Cape Canaveral, these daylight scenes show the Titan 4 on Complex 40 in preparation for the final Florida launch of this heavy-lift rocket. (2min 11sec file)
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Hurricane Frances seen from the space station
NASA PHOTO RELEASE Posted: August 28, 2004
These photos of Hurricane Frances were taken by Astronaut Mike Fincke aboard the International Space Station as he flew 230 statute miles above the storm on Friday.
At the time, Frances was located 820 miles east of the Lesser Antilles in the Atlantic Ocean, moving west-northwest at 10 miles per hour, with maximum sustained winds of 105 miles per hour. Fincke, the NASA ISS Science Officer and Flight Engineer, and Expedition 9 Commander Gennady Padalka are in the fifth month of a six-month flight aboard the Station.

A wide view of Hurricane Frances is provided in this image from the space station. Credit: NASA Download larger image version here

This view of from the space station gives a view of Hurricane Frances' center. Credit: NASA Download larger image version here