Agency transformation in effect at NASA NASA NEWS RELEASE Posted: August 2, 2004 Over the weekend, an unprecedented transformation of NASA's organizational structure occurred, streamlining the agency and putting it in a better position to implement the Vision for Space Exploration. In June, the President's Commission on Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy found that NASA needed to transform itself into a leaner, more focused agency. "The Commission recognized that to make the Vision a success we needed a more integrated approach to science, management and systems and mission development," said NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe. "Since we made this announcement in June, we've worked these past weeks to remove the 'stove pipes' and to streamline the agency in a way that will allow us to support the Vision for Exploration in a more efficient and affordable way." This transformation fundamentally restructures NASA's Strategic Enterprises into Mission Offices. Headquarters support functions also have been realigned to better clarify organizational roles and responsibilities. The agency has redefined its relationships with the NASA Field Centers by developing clear and straightforward lines of responsibility and accountability. Specific Mission Associate Administrators are now assigned as Headquarters Center Executives. They have oversight of field center performance in implementing agency policies and programs. The changes that went into effect over the weekend represent not only the next step in implementing the recommendations of the President's Commission on Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy, they also reflect NASA's ongoing efforts to apply the findings and recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board across the agency. "The changes that went into effect Aug. 1 are significant, but our work isn't complete," Administrator O'Keefe added. "This transformation will be an ongoing, evolutionary process. As we identify innovative ways to do our jobs better, we'll move forward and implement those changes. This is truly an exciting time to be a part of NASA." The agency will continue to engage other government offices, industry, academia and the international community to look for new processes, tools and technologies to help NASA successfully achieve the Vision for Space Exploration. |