NASA announces research grants in fundamental physics NASA NEWS RELEASE Posted: October 27, 2003 NASA has selected 15 researchers to receive grants totaling more than $6.4 million over four years, to conduct space fundamental physics research. This research is expected to expand our understanding of space, time and matter. Sponsored by NASA's Office of Biological and Physical Research, the research offers investigators the advantage of a low-gravity and space environment to enhance understanding of physical and chemical processes associated with fundamental physics. Researchers will be able to use NASA's microgravity research facilities such as drop-tubes, drop-towers, aircraft and sounding rockets. All 15 grants are for ground-based research. Four are to continue work currently being funded by NASA, while the remaining 11 represent new research efforts. NASA received 29 proposals in response to this research announcement. The proposals were peer-reviewed by scientific and technical experts from academia and government. A list of awardees (by state), their institutions and research titles is available the Internet at: http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2003/oct/funphys_award_list.html |